Hay peeps, Judith here. 101 streight from IceLand. So..Here's the deal: Ya' know how all the cool IceLand bros. have cell-phones?? I just thought: Luigi and I don't even have phones with a cell in front of them. That has incredibly tiny letters and numbers, and that you can text with. So..As a B-Day present for Luigi, I got us both cell-phones! There has to be some kind of obssettion with cell-phones! Everybody wants one..or everybody has one. Except us..Even Bob and Linda have one, and they are much nerdier, Than us. Luigi is the exact opisite, He is cool! And he told me to say that..But anyway...So I went to the Techno Icy Shop to get two cell-phones. So..I got two cell-phones, and I wrapped them up for Luigi, On his B-Day, He opened the present and said: Two cellphones, HUH? for me!'' Sometimes I remember why I wasn't with him for a short perioud of time. I explained to him..THAT WE EACH HAD ONE!!! Then he cried, because he said Linda has two so..I bought another one for him..He cried again he said. ''My wife dosn't have to cell-phones''! Why does anybody need two cell-phones??? Well, I got them. Then he cried because he slipped on a shell. I can NEVER win! I have to get his foot better, and now are whole house is full of cell-phones. Who will make so many calls???
Well, I gotta go!