'Sup! Mawio here brinin' you the TOP news from the best, Mawio Come! So, Intrested in my ''off the wall'' spectacular-crazy talents!!! If so... WISE CHOICE! Cauze today (in my blog) I will share with the fans of Mawio Come my best, and most funniest crazy talenys!!!! Here is a list I wrote of all of my favorites: (BTW: I made a ''talent show'' concert for mwa a few day's ago at the house, Markio's still so stunned I dunno if he's going to create a talent of his own, or keep saying AWESOME stuff about mine, personally. I think #2 would be nice)!
* Can sing Mary Had A Little Lam while doing hoola hoopas jumping on my right foot, and holding two (helthy new brand) apples on my head!
* making a peace sign, while jumping on a pogo stick sining ''Icy Block Road'' while staring constantly at a bluberry ice cone!
* Making up false stories while searching for dolphins on the internet listing to a ''porcepine'' ipod, and looking at a clock!
Those be my crazy talents! Well.... gotta run!
Late, Mawio!!!